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Our Services


Business Advice

BBL’s predominant area of practice. Our expertise is sought in relation to structure and management, contracts, franchising, project finance, finance and insurance and any issue arising in business which requires legal input.

We assist in the acquisition of business assets both by direct purchase finance and including advising in business acquisitions including MBO’s.
BBL has particular expertise in capital raising including managed investment schemes, ASX compliance and P2P structuring.

Having spent half a decade as a director and Chairman of the Risk Management Committee of one of Australia’s largest aged care providers Geoff Bartels is uniquely placed to advise the aged care community.

We nurture the growth of our clients’ businesses.

Unfortunately many business vehicles outlive their usefulness and must be “put to sleep”. We assist the proprietors, directors and liquidators to achieve this result in the most timely and effective way possible. Sometimes this involves advising on and managing insolvency strategies.


Building & Construction Law

Growing out of BBL’s Business Law practice and now occupying somewhat more than 30% of BBL’s time and fee budgets is BBL’s Building and Construction Law practice. The typical size of our clientele results in a number of these firms being in the construction industry. Consequently we have developed significant expertise in building and construction law both contract and dispute resolution both for contractors and owners. BBL advises proprietors, contractors, sub-contractors and consultants. Projects in which has acted include very large engineering projects for the multinational head contractors and sub-contractors ($444m in dispute representing just under 10% of contract value), industrial and commercial buildings, strata developments including mixed schemes and large domestic contracts (in excess of $100,000).


Directors Duties & Liabilities

Geoff’s almost unique background means we are specially positioned to advise directors and officers on their personal positions and to carry them through any personal attacks from regulators or other sources. In over three decades of defending directors and officers Geoff Bartels ably assisted by his specialist team of counsel and investigators has not had one client convicted.


Project Development

As one would expect growing out of our expertise in organisational, start-up and building we have over the last several decades been developing expertise advising on large construction project work including large multi purpose developments with residential, tourist, retail, commercial and public use elements and a capital base in excess of $5,000,000. These projects often require off the plan sales and managed investment schemes advice.



BBL has significant experience advising both franchisors and franchisee. This includes commencing a franchise , buying a franchise business, exiting a franchise and franchise disputes. BBL’s unique commercial experience and qualifications outside the law brings a special and deep insight into resolving your franchise issues not usually found in legal advisors.


White Collar Crime

With experience dating back to prosecuting major frauds in the 1970s and defending directors and corporate executives since we have a highly experienced and successful team to assist corporations and executives who find themselves victims of or accused if white collar offences. These include allegations from ASIC, ACCC, ICAC and the EPA.

business man signing contract

Professional Conduct

We are regularly retained by parties including insurers to advise on professional conduct. Geoffrey Bartels reputation as a senior and experienced practitioner in partnership sole practice and government has lead to him being briefed to appear as an expert witness in a number of Supreme Court matters with professional conduct as a significant feature


Conveyancing & Probate

As an ancillary service to our clients, we undertake conveyancing wills and probate related transactions for our clients.

We do not do

We do not do – Personal Injury, Family Law, Workers Compensation or Pro Bono litigation.

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